
Integrity, Reliability, Professionality!


Conductors at all levels and ages welcome to apply!

In order to apply for a course, please fill in the online application form.
You will receive an automatic confirmation email with further details.

In case you haven’t received the automatic confirmation email, please check your spam/junk mail folder.
There is a chance that it landed there. If you still could not find it, please inform us ASAP.

In order to complete your application process, please email us your biography, CV, recommendation letters (not obligatory) and a link to video samples of you conducting (if you haven’t provided one in the application form). Rehearsals are also acceptable.

Please note that your application can not be processed before we have received all the required materials.

  • The application is free of charge.
  • Application is possible until all active places are filled.
  • Please allow a week period in order to review your application. In this time period you will receive an answer regarding the outcome of your application.
  • PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER, sometimes our replies are filtered as spam.
  • If you have special requests, please mention them in the “Comments and Questions” field in the form. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.
  • If you haven’t heard from us in 14 days, please contact us.

Thank you.
Conducting Masterclasses since 2012

Application form



In case you haven’t received the automatic confirmation email, please check your spam/junk mail folder.
There is a chance that it landed there. If you still could not find it, please inform us ASAP.

*Conditions and terms

By applying the applicant agrees with the teaching methods and the artistic decisions made by the teacher of the course. The teacher of the course, the managing director of the orchestra and manager of IMB reserve the right to not allowing certain participants participate in the final concert. In a case that the teacher of a course will not be able to fulfil his obligation to lead the masterclass because of illness or other unexpected reason (Force Majeure), the organizer will come with a substitute teacher. In case that  a substitute teacher could not be found in a short notice, the organizer will take the role of the teacher, and the masterclass will not be cancelled and the already paid fees will not be refunded. The organizer reserves the right to change the repertoire when necessary. A notification in that case will be published in the IMB website and all applicants will receive an email with the new selected pieces. The masterclasses are limited to twelve active participants. In a case that a masterclass will not reach the number of ten active participants, IMB reserves the right to cancel or postpone the masterclass. A notice will be sent maximum thirty days before the beginning of the masterclass. In special cases the organizer reserves the permission to accept more than twelve participants for a course but not more than fifteen. The daily schedule is subject to changes. IMB is not responsible by no means to organize accommodation possibilities, travels and meals for the participants during the course. The participant place in the course is secure ONLY after a payment of the deposit is received on IMB’s bank account. If a participant can not attend the course after payment, IMB will do the best in order to find another participant to take his place. When a different candidate will be found, that will pay the FULL tuition fees, ONLY then IMB will pay back the already paid fees to the withdrawn participant. IMB offers the option to use the already paid tuition for a future masterclass, as long as there is an available place and ONLY when a substitute candidate was found. In case that a participant withdraw his participation in less than six weeks (42 days) before the beginning of a masterclass, IMB reserve the right to not refund the already paid, deposit or any part of the tuition fees by the cancelling participant, regardless if a substitute participant had been found or not. In a case that a substitute participant could not be found, IMB reserve the right to keep the whole tuition or part of it and not to pay it back to the participant who canceled his/her participation. An already paid deposit will be valid to be reused for a different masterclass (in case a substitute participant was found)for 12 month from the participant’s written withdrawal announcement. After 12 month the deposit will be voided. A participant that will not follow the agreed payment process and installments plan, as well as one that will not be in contact (emails) regarding his situation, will be considered as a participant who withdrew from the masterclass and will be subject to the above conditions. In case the masterclass will be canceled by the organizer, IMB will pay back the already paid applicants fees fully.
Recording – IMB will record the active participants during the orchestra rehearsals and the concert. The piano sessions will not be recorded.  The camera is located behind the orchestra facing the conductor. We are using very high quality equipment. Nevertheless, in very rare cases of technical failures of the recording equipment (audio or video) that will result in loosing the recorder material (video and/or audio) IMB will not be held responsible and will not compensate or reimburse any amount of the fees. Participants are allowed to make their own recordings with their private equipment, including during the piano sessions.
In case of an unforeseen cancellation due to a Force Majeure IMB reserve the right to keep part or all of the already paid fees, and not to pay it back. In such case IMB will reschedule the masterclass and the already fees will be used for the participation. IMB is by no means responsible for any expenses regarding the masterclass such as flight tickets, hotel bookings, etc, and will not reimburse them in any case. IMB is not responsible directly or indirectly for any damages and/or injuries and/or any health issues that may happen to the participant during his/her participation in the masterclass and his stay in Berlin. IMB is the rightful owner of all media material from the masterclass, and may use any footage, pictures, videos etc, for their (IMB) own PR purposes.


The masterclasses will take place with compliance to the local regulations regarding Covid-19 as hygiene, distancing and all any other regulations. All participants agreeing to comply with those regulations.
In case the local authorities in Germany will not permit the execution of the masterclass from any reason, IMB will payback the already paid fees.
Each participant should inform himself/herself about the actual regulations regarding traveling and entering into Germany from the country of origin, and act accordingly. 
IMB will not refund the paid fees in a case that the masterclass is taking place, and a participant will not comply with all the requirements of the authorities to enter Germany and/or to enter the the masterclass venue, and as a result will not be able to participate in the masterclass.





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